WhalesBot AI Module 1S

Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $300.00.

Fees are inclusive of 9% GST and shipping fee.

Diverse Coding Fun

WhalesBot AI Module 1s employs diverse coding languages, including Scratch, Python and C++ ,ย  it cultivates entry-level coding skills, enabling basic code writing, computational thinking, critical thinking as essential foundation for advanced coding.

WhalesBot AI Module 1s caters to all building and coding levels, delivering a well-rounded STEM education experience for young enthusiasts embracing science and technology. To own this kit, students will be able to work on their own projects after class,ย  sharpen their skills at home andย  show parents their works and progress.

๐Ÿš€ A Complete and All-Rounded Programmeย  ๐Ÿš€

As an important upgrade of our new robotics programmes, we are introducing this affordable and comprehensive robotic kit to our students. This kit allows students to continue working on their projects, practicing their skills and ideas at home, and benefit their learning further.
